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The Offers & Only coupon code provides you with the strongest discounts and offers on all local and international medical and cosmetic products, which makes Offers & Only the leading and most famous brand in the medical and cosmetic field. The Offers & Only pharmacy also provides a service called “Consult a Pharmacist”, which is a service it offers to all its valued customers to provide them with answers to all their cosmetic and medical inquiries.
Offers & Only provides a service for selling blood glucose meters, including devices and glucose strips, at cost, especially for diabetics. Also, the Offers & Only pharmacy offers a service called “Today’s Offer” which is an offer applied to one product for 24 hours only. Do not forget to use the Offers & Only discount code when shopping from the Offers & Only Bahrain website to enjoy an instant discount on all your purchases.
Offers & Only discount code Bahrain | Offers & Only deals
With Offers & Only, you can get all medical & cosmetic brands at an attractive price and crazy discounts when activating the Offers & Only coupon code 2025.
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Before you choose the payment method that suits you and confirm your order, take advantage of the discounts from the Offers & Only Bahrain website, and make sure to use the Offers & Only coupon code 2025 to enjoy an immediate discount on your order.
Offers & Only delivers customer orders on time and provides them with the lowest shipping rates available.
Offers & Only provides shipping service to Bahrain.
The delivery time from Offers & Only varies depending on the place to be delivered.
The shipping and delivery period is determined on the Offers & Only website by the company delivering the order.
The delivery period in Bahrain may be affected according to special occasions and you will be notified accordingly.
During the delivery process of your order, Offers & Only may ask you to provide it with a copy of your original ID to verify that you are the correct recipient.
Offers & Only gives you the option to return or exchange any product within 14 days.
In the event of a return from Offers & Only, the refund will be in the same manner as you paid when you purchased the product.
In the case of paying to Offers & Only by credit card or ATM card, the refund of the amounts paid will be through the same card data and the same customer.
In the event that external orders are returned, Offers & Only will refund the amounts paid after deducting any customs or tax fees and after deducting delivery and shipping fees.
Offers & Only prohibits the return or exchange of medicines in accordance with the Ministry of Health circular.
Offers & Only prohibits returning or exchanging vegetarian, nutritional and nutritional products.